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Recommended software installation order

Recommended installation order for the components in the Fotoware system. Use this document as a guide to get an overview of the installation points.

1. Index Manager

When installing a Fotoware DAM system,  at the very least you will need to install and configure Index Manager, and a type of client software - typically FotoWeb or FotoStation, or both.

As the System architecture guide explains, Index Manager is the file system crawler that extracts metadata and "feeds" metadata to the other components in the system. In a large system with lots of assets traveling trough the system at a rapid pace it may even be necessary to add additional Index Manager servers to handle the throughput.

Since Index Manager is very much the central component in the system - the content of its indexes form the basis of all the archives and possibly also the workflows that will be configured in the system - it makes good sense to start setting up Index Manager and configuring its indexes.

Important topics to consider before proceeding

  • Make sure you've read and understand the System Architecture of the Fotoware system.
  • If you're planning to set up FotoWeb later, make sure you read the topic on configuring Index Manager and FotoWeb for performance. This topic contains useful information on firewall configuration and some guidelines of choice of storage solutions.
  • Read up on the Getting started with Index Manager guide. Pay special attention to the articles in the Reference section as these provide additional insight:
    • Overview of the components that are included in the installer package and will be installed on the server
    • Configuring client communications (with FotoStation and FotoWeb)
    • Troubleshooting common errors

2. Workflow automation servers

Color Factory and Connect are the next components that should be installed, if that applies to your system. These servers control the backend processing of workflow tasks. Since some tasks rely on searching in Index Manager's archives, it's practical to have Index Manager up and running before setting up these servers. Whether you choose to install Color Factory or Connect first is a matter of choice.

Note: While it would be perfectly fine to proceed by installing FotoWeb, if some of your planned workflows require processing by Color Factory or Connect, it may be practical to proceed with these servers.

Color Factory

Before you install Color Factory we recommend you study the Getting started with Color Factory guide. System requirements, installation procedure and an introduction to the way channels behave can be found there.

Tip: The Building Workflows guide in the Color Factory section contains many practical workflow examples that can help you understand better how to configure it.


Before installing Connect, make sure you study the Getting Started with Connect guide. Make sure you read the articles in the Reference section relates to the supported protocols.

3. FotoWeb

  • Before installing and configuring FotoWeb it is important that you understand how to configure the system, including the network topology, to provide the best possible performance and maintain security.
  • We also recommend reading up on the FotoWeb installation guide, which contains several tips for planning an installation, whether it's a clean install or an update from an earlier version.
  • If you are updating from FotoWeb 7.0 to 8.0, it's important that you read the information about changes between these versions and how they may affect your existing workflow.
  • Security will most likely be an issue, especially if the FotoWeb will be accessed from the internet. You will find many useful security guidelines in the Security guide, with links to articles dealing with security at different levels. 

4. Fotoware client installation

FotoWeb clients

Although the FotoWeb browser interfaces don't require any additional installation, you may want to configure them for single sign on.

Other FotoWeb clients that you may want to enable for users are:

FotoWeb Desktop plugins (Upload utility for Windows and Mac, Office plugins for Windows and Adobe Creative Suite/Creative Cloud extensions)

FotoStation clients

FotoStation is available for Windows and Mac. The installers can be used to run a single installation, or you can prepare a full-scale deployment for rolling out the software on a large number of clients. 


Deploying FotoStation for Windows

Deploying FotoStation for Mac

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