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Adding a custom welcome message to a site

You can add a custom welcome message for users who access the Fotoware site.

It is shown on the site's home page above the list of public archives and albums when a user accesses the Fotoware site.

If the site has no public resources and requires users to log in, the home page with the custom welcome message will be shown after logging in.

Adding a welcome message
  1. Go to Tools (cogwheel icon) > Site Configuration > Appearance > Branding.
  2. Turn on the Custom Welcome Message toggle.
  3. Enter the welcome message in the field that opens.


  1. Select Save.

When users access the site, they will see the welcome message above the available archives and public albums:

What a custom welcome message looks like on the FotoWeb site

Tip: You can also create a custom footer, as seen in the screenshot.