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The upload web interface fails to load


When accessing the metadata editor in FotoWeb Pro, the panel does not load correctly, and will display an error message in the FotoWeb Pro interface saying "Error Retrieving editor config"

Also, the upload utility in the web interface will fail to load any metadata fields and become unusable.


It may be that the archive's assigned metadata set refers to a Field ID that no longer exist if the master metadata configuration has been changed.

This can be verified by examining the logs in the Operations Center, where a log message will say something like this:

ERROR: Invalid field 123 found in metadata set ..., region 'Information' 

This typically only happens if the field number assignments in the master metadata configuration (MDC) are changed after a metadata set has been created. This is strongly discouraged - once a field number has been assigned in the MDC, it should never be changed. New fields should always be assigned a new, unused number in the range 500 - 999.


Remove the field in question from the metadata set, or change the MDC back so that the field numbers match those in the affected metadata set.

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