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Merging metadata with input images using metadata templates

Merging images with accompanying metadata text files

In the Color Factory Settings app, expand the relevant channel and select Metadata

Open the Merge Text - Files tab.


Merge with matching template: Select a folder containing templates that should be merged with the files processed in the channel, by comparing the name of the template with the name of the file in the input queue.

Use fixed template name: The chosen text template is applied to all files processed in the channel. You can also create a new template directly by selecting Create new template, which opens the metadata macro editor.

Tip: By choosing to use a fixed template name and only entering a filename (omitting the full path), Color Factory will look for that template in the same folder as the input files in the channel and merges them. If, for example,  10 files arrive in a subfolder in the channel's input folder along with a text template, that template will be applied to all 10 files in that folder during processing.

Note: When creating a template using the macro editor you can selectively choose which fields you want to edit and whether the existing content in the files should be overwritten or appended. However, if you receive an image feed with static text templates, you can (the drop-down list below ) determine whether the metadata in the template should be appended to or overwrite any existing information in the files since a template does not dynamically determine how each field should be treated.

Look for matching text file - Color Factory scans the input folder for a text file with the same name as the input image but with a different extension. Enter the text file extension with or without a dot – Color Factory will auto-detect the filename format. Also, set the number of seconds Color Factory should be allowed to wait for the accompanying text file.

Note: Color Factory relies on the text file extension in order to operate correctly. It is imperative that any text file created on a Macintosh, for instance in TextEdit, be stored in plain text and given an extension.

Text file format considerations

Color Factory supports three types of file formats for the text files that accompany the input image in your channel:

1. Plain text files with content only
The content of these files is stored in the Caption field in the image XMP.

2. Plain text files with field specifiers
You can specify which field the text in the file is associated with. To specify that part of the text should go into the Caption field, for example, start with #120. Color Factory will put all the text that immediately follows the field specifier into field 120 (Caption) until it reaches a new hash (#) or the end of the file.

The example below is a text file that populates Caption (#120), Byline (#080), and Headline (#105)

#120 This text will be filled into the Caption field. Note how there will be a space at the beginning of the Caption field. That's because Color Factory starts inserting all characters directly after the field specifier.
#080This content goes into the Byline field. Note that this time there is no space at the beginning of the line.
#110And this information should be put in the Headline field.


A complete list of field codes for the fields in the standard XMP configuration can be found in this topic

3. XMP files

Files with XMP data can also be merged with image files. The files must be XMP-compliant for this to work correctly.