Setting field labels
After adding a field to a layout, you may want to give that field a custom name.
By default a new editor layout is set to use global labels, which means that the labels are pulled from the field definition in the metadata schema in the configuration.
To set a custom label on a field you need to disable the use of global labels and then overriding the label per field.
Disabling global labels
Open the Editor properties page on the left and remove the checkbox for Use global labels.
Now click on a field whose label you wish to change and open the Item properties page on the left. There you will find two checkboxes that relate to this:
Display label: When this box is ticked a label will be shown over that field. If you remove that checkbox the field will not have a label.
Label: Type in the custom label here to override the global label.
Where do global labels come from?
The global labels are stored in the global metadata schema that contains the entire field definition for the system. When using a non-English user interface in FotoStation, localized labels for the fields in the default field definition are extracted from the locale files.
When using the metadata configuration to create custom fields it is possible to create language-specific labels for these fields so that FotoStation displays them correctly when using another user interface than the English one.