Getting started
Start here if you're new to Fotoware and need to get an overview of the system.
- An overview of Fotoware
- Get an overview of the components in a FotoWare DAM system and how they work together.
- Installing Fotoware
- Learn how to install the FotoWare DAM system from scratch.
- Licensing and product activation
- This guide deals with everything you need to know to activate Fotoware license.
- Activating a Fotoware license with a license server
- Activating FotoStation for Mac using the Terminal utility
- Activating Fotoware software using the command line in Windows (legacy)
- A Fotoware product asks for activation after an update to a newer version
- Command line activation of Fotoware applications using Fotoware License Tool
- Deactivating a Fotoware software product
- FAQ: Licensing and product activation
- Fixing a broken license (legacy)
- How to back up and restore a license
- How to choose a license server for your Fotoware software
- How to obtain your license keys
- How to tell how many users FotoWeb is licensed for?
- License expiry warning
- Manually deleting a license when you cannot deactivate
- Manually installing the FlexNet Activation service using an elevated Windows command prompt
- Newsletter restrictions on role-based email addresses
- Performing an offline activation (legacy)
- Product key for deployment testing
- Regular activation of a Fotoware software product
- Resetting your product key
- Server software licensing schemes
- Setting up a Fotoware License Server
- Subscription licensing agreement
- Troubleshooting: Activation fails with "Error 50040/0"
- Troubleshooting: Common activation errors
- Using a Fotoware license file
- What to do if offline activation fails?
- Configuring a system with FotoWeb and Index Manager
- How to configure the system to display your assets and execute basic workflows.
- Setting up an index
- Creating a FotoWeb archive by connecting to an index
- Adding users to FotoWeb
- Adding users to a group and setting group rights
- Setting an access list on the FotoWeb archive
- Enabling users to browse folders in the archive
- Controlling the metadata fields that are shown in an archive
- Creating a processing profile and assigning it to a set
- Assigning processing profiles to an archive
- Uploading files to FotoWeb
- Configuring workflows
- Installing FotoWeb Desktop plugins
- Setting up the FotoWeb plugin for Microsoft Office
- Using the FotoWeb plugin for Microsoft Office
- Enabling the FotoWeb extensions for Adobe Creative Suite
- Creating and editing content in Illustrator
- Creating and editing content in Photoshop using FotoWeb Desktop
- Placing assets in InDesign layouts
- Branding the site
- Metadata in the FotoWare system
- What is metadata? How does metadata make my assets more valuable? How does Fotoware handle metadata?
- What you can do with metadata
- Types of metadata the Fotoware DAM system can use
- Embedded metadata or sidecars: How Fotoware stores metadata in assets
- Specifiers to search in specific fields
- Creating search queries for Index Manager using FotoStation
- FWP protocol details
- Reference of Search Expressions used to create queries in FotoWeb
- Where do Fotoware applications store soft-crop information?
- Maintaining and tuning your system
- This guide contains a technical articles that explain system functionality in depth.