What to do if FotoStation crashes
This article describes what you can do if you experience regular crashes in FotoStation.
Troubleshooting crashes
As with other software, you may occasionally experience that FotoStation crashes quite unexpectedly. Below is a step-by-step procedure to help you isolate the cause of the crash to be able to troubleshoot it.
1. Restart FotoStation
Most of the time, simply restarting the program will solve the problem and you will not experience it again. However, you may try performing the same operation that made the program terminate the last time to see if the same happens again.
2. Restart computer
If the above doesn't work, try to restart the computer and then start FotoStation again.
3. Check your archive
If FotoStation termiates when trying to read the contents of a certain archive, chances are there is a corrupt file inside that archive. Using the Mac Finder or Windows Explorer you can e.g. manually move the contents of the archive to another folder a bit at a time to see if that can help you locate a corrupt file. This process can be time consuming with a large archive, but it may be the only way to identify a file that has been corrupted.
4. Check if a program update is available
If, having tried the suggestions above, you find that FotoStation crashes when trying to read a certain file - for example a RAW file from a digital camera and you know for a fact that the file is not corrupt, it may simply be that the version of FotoStation that you are running does not support the camera model in question. In this case, we advise you to visit the downloads area on the Fotoware website to download the latest version of the software. Fotoware continually implements support for new camera models and it may well be that your camera model is supported in the newest release. Make sure you check the release notes to find out.
Even if the file causing problems is not a camera raw file, it may be that the latest program version addresses bugs and issues in previous versions that may be the cause of the problems you are having.