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Selecting activities to log

Learn how to select activities to log for Activity Exports.

Note: Event logging is performed on a best-effort basis and is not transactional. There is no guarantee that every action will be logged, as Activity Exports logs the event after it has been processed. However, this risk is minimal and if it does occur, it is most likely due to a larger background failure that affects more parts of the Fotoware system.

  1. From the Tools menu (cogwheel icon), go to Site Configuration Activity Exports.
  2. Open the Events tab. 


    The events available to log are divided into two tables:
  • Select events that are not connected to assetsSearch, Login, and Logout.
    EventID, EventTime, and ActivityType are logged for all three events.
  • Select events that are connected to assetsDelete, Metadata edit, Crop, Upload, Download, Workflow, Order, View asset details, and Place.
    ArchiveId, ArchiveName, FileName, AssetHref, and PreviewUrl are logged for each event.

    Upload: If a new version of an asset is uploaded, this generates an Upload event in the log.

    Order: An Order event is not logged until the user downloads the assets they have ordered.

    Workflow: The name and type of the workflow (action or marker) are logged, as well as the destination archive name, when moving or copying an action.

    Restoring or deleting a revision does not generate a log record.  
  1. Select the events for which you would like to log data. If you only select events that are not connected to assets, continue to step 6. 
    Note: This is a global selection; every export will include information about the events selected here.
  2. If you have selected events connected to assets, open the Metadata tab to select metadata for the selected events. 
    Metadata is not logged by default. Metadata fields and values are only logged if the metadata has changed. The Metadata edit, Workflow, or Upload events can cause metadata to change. We recommend selecting the metadata fields that are likely to change with an event.
  3. Select the fields for which you would like to log data. You can filter the metadata fields by selecting a value from the drop-down list. You can also search for metadata fields directly by entering search data in the Search field. 
  4. Select Save
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