What you need to know about channels
The concept of channels
A Process Channel (commonly referred to as just a channel) essentially consists of an input folder, an output folder and a number of settings that determine how the files in the input folder are processed before they are stored in the output folder.
Each channel can be configured in such a way that all files sent to the input folder are processed according to a host of preset parameters. As such, Color Factory differs greatly from photo editing programs such as Photoshop in that it automates the kinds of operations that are generally time consuming and can be performed without examining and evaluating each image before it is processed.
In addition to processing images according to preset parameters, channels can be used for sorting files in output folders, for transferring files to the next step in the production line and so on. This is configured by adding features to a channel and configuring those features so the channel performs exactly as you would like. This way, you can create complex workflows that process, resize, color manage and sort files in your system while you can monitor server activity in real-time and monitor logs for historical data.