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Monitoring an archive in real time


Using a so-called watch window you can keep an eye on new files that arrive in a different archive than the one you're currently working in.

Monitoring an archive using a Watch Window

If you right-click on an archive and choose Open as watch window, FotoStation will display a small, resizable thumbnail strip that is set to update automatically and display the newest files first, as shown above. (Note that files are sorted by file modified date, newest files first.) In Windows, the watch window is always on top of other windows. This property can be changed by right-clicking on the window title and deselecting Always on top. On the Macintosh you can switch between windows using the Window menu.

This way, you can work with files in one archive in FotoStation while watching the activity in another, for example by placing the watch window at the edge of your screen. You can also drag and drop files directly from this window to other applications or to the desktop. You  can open as many watch windows as you like.

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