Improving pictures with image edit actions
How to configure and use Image Edit Actions to automate processing in FotoStation's image editor.
What are image edit actions?
Using Image edit actions you can create special actions that are exclusive to the image editor. Setting up an image action in the editor is somewhat similar to creating a regular action, but differs in that it only allows application of image-related sub actions.
Creating an image edit action
To create an image action, click on the arrow on the Image Edit Actions button and select Options from the menu that appears. Now you can create a new image edit action by clicking on New, and you will see that each image edit action can perform a number of sub actions, in the same way that regular actions can.
You will notice that some of the sub actions that can be added to an image edit action are documented in the Actions chapter, while others are specific to the image editor. (Digital flash, Levels, Curves, Hue & Saturation, Color Adjustment and Grayscale mode are sub actions specific to the image editor. Their settings are the same as for the similar functions in the main image editor window – please refer to the respective paragraphs to learn how the functions work.)