Resize image sub action
Use this sub action to resize images in your workflows.
Just like the regular resize function in FotoStation’s image edit mode and the Crop dialog, the Resize Image sub action is used for changing the document size or the physical (pixel) size of an image.
Setting image size
If you want to change the document size of the image, i.e. its size on print, without altering image data, simply enter a value in the Size field and choose a unit of measure in the dropdown list without selecting the checkbox labeled Resample image to new pixel width and height. (This will change the physical dimensions of the image – see below.) The available choices in the list are PPI (Pixels/inch), pixel/cm, inch, or cm.
Resampling images to new pixel width and height
Select this checkbox if you want to change the physical size of images, for instance to create lower-resolution copies for publishing on the web. Unlike when the resample option is not enabled (as described above), a resampling of the image implies altering the image data so that the actual number of pixels in the image is reduced. (Resampling can also be used to increase the size of images, but this is used far less frequently since it will produce a result with lower quality.)
When resampling images, you have these options to choose from in the dropdown list:
PPI (pixel/inch): Used for setting the number of pixels per inch after processing. In addition, you can limit the file size by entering the maximum number of megabytes in the (uncompressed) output file by entering a value in the Maximum file size field. If the resizing operation results in an image larger than the maximum size set, the image is not resized and the operation is aborted.
Pixel/cm: Used for setting the number of pixels per centimeter after processing. This option is the same as the one above, except for the unit of measure.
Pixel/max (width, height): Used for setting the maximum number of pixels horizontally or vertically (whichever is the largest). For this and the next seven options, select resolution and resize option (see Resolution Settings and Resizing part of this topic for more information).
Pixel/min (width, height): Used for setting the minimum number of pixels horizontally or vertically (whichever is the smallest).
Pixel width. Enable fixed proportions: Used for setting an absolute pixel width. When choosing a fixed pixel width, you can also choose how image proportions should be handled. Click on the Setup Proportions button to bring up a separate dialog for making this selection:
- By choosing Unchanged. Pixel height floating, pixel height will change according to the width so that the original proportions of the image are retained.
- By choosing Fixed. Expand canvas, the surrounding canvas will be expanded to accommodate the image, and you may set the Pixel height and Alignment. Click on the Set Canvas colorbutton to choose canvas (background) color.
- By choosing Fixed. Crop image, you may set the Pixel height and the Alignment, and FotoStation will crop the original image to fit the set proportions.
Pixel height: Used for setting a fixed pixel height.
Inch: Used for setting the desired width of the image in inches.
Cm: Used for setting the desired width of the image in cm.
MB per image: Used for setting the maximum file size (uncompressed) of the processed file.
MB per color channel: Used for setting the maximum number of megabytes in each color channel.
Resolution Settings and Resizing: These two settings are available for the eight last dropdown options:
Resolution: Set the image resolution by clicking inside the dropdown list and entering a value, or choose not to change the resolution by selecting Leave unchanged from the dropdown list. Choose between pixel/inch and pixel/cm as unit measure in the dropdown list to the right.
Do not resize images smaller than set size: By selecting this option, images that are smaller than the size specified won’t be processed by the sub action and remain unchanged.