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Activity Export overview

Learn how to configure and use Activity Exports.

With the Activity Export feature, you can configure which activity events you want to log and set up one-time exports based on the selected events. You can then download the export as a CSV file (raw data) and use a third-party tool (such as Microsoft Excel or PowerBI) to visualize the results. You can also define users or groups to receive an email notification once the CSV file is available for download. 


Before configuring activity exports, you should decide what information you need and how often you need it. You can, for example, find out how many users are logging into your Fotoware system during a given time frame, which asset has been downloaded most during a specific period, which search terms are most used, and so on.

To start collecting data for activity exports, an administrator must first enable activity logging and configure the activity events to be logged.

Who can use Activity Exports? 

There are also two administrative permissions necessary to work with Activity Exports:

  •  Manage Activity Logging -  to configure Activity Exports (enable and disable Activity Logging and configure the events and metadata to be logged), a Fotoware user must be a member of a group that has been granted this administrative permission.
  • Manage Activity Exports  - to create and download Activity Exports, a Fotoware user must be a member of a group that has been granted the administrative permission. 


Activity - A type of event that you can log. For example, download, log in, or search.

(Activity) Event - A single occurrence of an event. For example, user A downloaded file B at time C.

(Activity) Export - A one-time report containing events of specific activities in a specific time frame. For example, export all Download events for the past 24 hours. 

(Activity Export) Run - A single run of an activity export. For example, the report created on April 11th.

Activity event logging

All logged activity events are included in all Activity Exports - what you log is what you get.

Logged activity events are only stored for three months; therefore, the data contained in an activity export is never older than three months.  The maximum number of events that can be logged per month per tenant is 1 million. If your requirements exceed this limit, contact Fotoware.

When an activity export is created, it is available in the Exports list for 7 days. 

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