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Managing pending and signed consent forms

Who can manage consent forms?

To manage consent forms, a user must be a member of the Access list for the relevant consent form template. For more information, see  Creating a consent form template.

Accessing the consent forms page

From the Tools menu (cogwheel icon) go to Manage Consent Forms. The Consent Forms page lists all consent forms to which you have access and you see a complete overview of who has or has not given consent. 

  • To open a consent form, select the link in the Assets column or double-click the content in the Photo column for the relevant consent form. The consent forms are displayed in grid view (outlined in yellow below), by default. Select the Card view icon (outlined in green) to switch to card view.  
  • To select which columns to display on this page, select the Column settings icon (outlined in red) and select from the options listed.
  • Use one of the available filters (outlined in blue) to quickly locate the consent forms you are looking for. Select Clear to reset all filters.
  • When looking for a signatory's name, use the Search field to quickly find the correct consent form.


Working with consent forms


You can sort each column by selecting the column header.

Some columns are interactive: 

Photo - double-click the displayed photo to open the consent form as a pop-up. 

Assets - This column displays the number of assets connected to the consent form. Select the link to open the consent form as a pop-up. 

No. - Select the Copy icon to copy the consent form number. This is useful if you want to save the number elsewhere.

Signee  - Select the email link to open a new email to this address. 


Use the icons to the right of a consent form to carry out various actions.  Hover over an icon to display its action.

  • Reminder: Send a reminder to someone who has not yet signed an issued consent. When sending the reminder, you can change the email address, subject, header, and text, if necessary. Links to sign are automatically included. When you send the reminder, the Status column is updated with the time and date the reminder was sent.
  • View: Open a consent form, whether signed or not.
  • Get link: Copy the link to the consent to the clipboard. This action is only available for consent forms that have not yet been signed. The person that needs to give their consent can use the link to open the consent form and follow the steps to sign it. For more information about signing a consent form, see Signing a consent form.
  • Delete: Delete a consent. This does not delete the template on which the consent form is based.
  • Revoke: Revoke the consent. The signature and any linked assets remain in the system. The Revoke date column is updated with the date and time consent was revoked.
  • Download: Download the consent form as a PDF file.

Tip: The actions available depend on the consent form status. You cannot download a PDF for a consent form that has not been signed, for example, just as you cannot send a reminder for a consent form that has been signed.


A consent form can have one of the following statuses:

  • Signed
  • Partly signed
  • Pending
  • Declined - the form was declined by the signee.
  • Revoked - the form was signed but consent was later revoked.


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