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Comparing assets (FotoWeb Pro)


The Compare View is an aid to making selections in FotoWeb Pro, especially when you're working with a range of visually similar assets and need to reduce the selection.

Using the Compare View

Start by making a selection of assets in FotoWeb Pro. You can use the Grid View, the Filmstrip View or any other view to make the initial selection.

Next press Shift-E to enter Compare View.

You can now use the arrow keys on the keyboard to change the active asset and press Space to select it. Selected assets are marked with a green checkmark.

Now, it's possible to press Shift-E again to reduce the selection to the selected assets. This process can be repeated as many times as necessary.

Finally, select the assets you want to keep and press Escape to return to FotoWeb Pro, where your final selection remains.

Tip: To send the selection off to a workflow now, just drag them to an Action. Or use the Pick Files feature - your current selection will remain intact and be ready to send to a workflow.