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Processing file formats not natively supported by Color Factory using a third-party tool

How to use ImageMagick to process file formats not natively supported by Color Factory

Using ImageMagick

When file formats not natively supported by Color Factory enter a processing channel, they are normally processed as unknown files. However, it's possible to enable processing of HEIC files, for example, by using an external processor such as ImageMagick.

  1. Download ImageMagick. You need the 64-bit Windows version with 8-bit processing. The Portable version (delivered as a zip file) works well without requiring installation.

Note: ImageMagick version 7 is not compatible with Index Manager and Color Factory.

  1. Navigate to the Color Factory program folder (typically in C:\Program Files\Fotoware\Color Factory 8.0) and create a new subfolder called ExternalConverter.
  2. Copy all the contents of the ImageMagick zip file to the ExternalConverter folder and restart the Color Factory service.

Color Factory will now automatically try to use ImageMagick when encountering an unknown file type in a processing channel, process the file, and deliver it to the output as specified in the channel settings.