Color Factory Reference Guide
Administrator's Reference Guide for Color Factory. It contains a complete overview of all the functionality in the Color Factory configuration and explains the capabilities of the server. This guide can be used as a reference when you build your workflows.
- Setting global server parameters
- These settings control the entire working environment of Color Factory.
- Adjusting color and contrast
- This section deals with the configuration of color and contrast adjustment in Color Factory channels
- Color Management
- Learn about Color Management settings in Color Factory.
- File naming
- Learn how to control file naming conventions in Color Factory.
- Handling of different input file formats
- This section deals with how Color Factory treats different input file formats and the options you have to control the different types of processing.
- General image processing
- Digital camera RAW file handling in Color Factory
- PDF processing
- Processing of PSD files with layers
- Photo CD processing options
- Vector file processing options
- Processing of bitmap files
- Processing of video files
- Processing options for unknown file types
- Processing file formats not natively supported by Color Factory using a third-party tool
- Image editing and improvement
- This section deals with features that involve editing image data, such as resizing, cropping and watermarking.
- Watermarking processed images
- Adding a text block to processed images
- Adding a frame to processed images
- Stroking the picture clipping path
- Removing dust and scratches
- Removing noise with SmartClean
- Resizing pictures
- Applying a fixed crop frame to all pictures
- Rotating and mirroring pictures
- Sharpening pictures using unsharp mask filters
- Automatic cropping using image analysis
- Cropping pictures by removing canvas
- Processing files with external web services using Curl
- Image ID settings
- When processing images, Color Factory automatically adds a unique ID to all images within the metadata. It may also be configured to add a unique Owner ID to images.
- Job Request Files and external XML formats
- This section describes how to configure Color Factory for integration with other systems using Job Request Files and its support for external XML formats used by editorial systems.
- Managing input and output of files
- This guide helps you understand the features that let you control handling of files in the channel inputs in Color Factory
- Managing metadata
- Metadata is the key to successfully managing your digital assets. This section deals with how you can configure Color Factory to add, update, remove and export metadata, and more, to help users find the assets they need - when they need them.
- Ensuring metadata is stored in the output files
- Automatically adding text to images being processed
- Ensuring metadata codepage consistency
- Mapping of metadata category codes
- Adding image similarity data for searching and sorting
- Removing Camera RAW information from processed images
- Handling of metadata soft crop info
- Forcing the use of IPTC tags over XMP
- Reading or writing metadata with a database connection (ODBC)
- Merging metadata with input images using metadata templates
- Extracting metadata from input images
- Splitting file names and inserting into metadata fields
- Storing input folder hierarchy in metadata fields
- Removing Photoshop resources from processed files
- Promoting working path to clipping path
- Adding path and channel information to metadata
- Adjusting the date and time of processed files
- Automatically tagging pictures with keywords using Imagga
- Automatic tagging using Azure Computer Vision image recognition
- Dynamic operators when editing metadata
- EXIF field code reference
- Print template parameter codes
- Removing EXIF data from the channel's input files
- Removing metadata fields from the output files
- XMP Field code reference
- Printing processed images
- This guide deals with how to configure your channels to print pictures that are processed in a channel.
- Purging old content
- This guide provides an overview of product features and related technologies. In addition, it contains recommendations on best practices, tutorials for getting started, and troubleshooting information for common situations.
- Routing and sorting files in folders
- This guide provides an overview of product features and related technologies. In addition, it contains recommendations on best practices, tutorials for getting started, and troubleshooting information for common situations.
- Settings for special output formats
- This guide deals with special settings that apply to certain output file formats.