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Scripting the FotoWeb Upgrade Wizard

The FotoWeb setup and configuration wizard, fwsetup.exe, can be run as a command-line application to do FotoWeb configuration, update and install programmatically. The command-line interface has extended functionality which is not available in the GUI and may be required in certain situations.

The FotoWeb setup and configuration wizard, fwsetup.exe, can be run as a command-line application to do FotoWeb configuration, update and install programmatically. The command-line interface has extended functionality which is not available in the GUI and may be required in certain situations.


At least one action must be selected to control what the setup / upgrade process will do.



When to run

-installModeReal Upgrade FotoWeb system.

This action is normally run automatically when a new version of FotoWeb is installed on a system that already has a FotoWeb configuration.

It can be run again to do a repair of the configuration or after manually migrating a site from another server (not officially supported!)

-addSite Add a new FotoWeb site.

This action is normally run from FotoWeb Administration Console when adding a new site.

There is normally no need to run this on the command-line.

-removeSite Remove a FotoWeb site.

This action is normally run from FotoWeb Administration Console when removing a site.

There is normally no need to run this on the command-line.


Restore IIS configuration.

This action removes and then restores the fotoweb application from every IIS website that hosts a FotoWeb site. It can also be run for only one individual site by adding the siteName parameter (see below).

This action also repairs the global configuration of IIS, such as setting ISAPI/CGI restrictions, setting up the configuration server, and unlocking config sections.

It also installs IIS if it is not installed.

Note that -installModeReal also does all of this and that you can also remove and add a site to IIS using FotoWeb Administration Console.

-removeIIS Remove IIS configuration

This action does the same as -restoreIIS, except it only removes IIS configuration and does not restore, add or repair it. If IIS is not installed, then this action does nothing.

Note that all of this is also done when uninstalling FotoWeb.

(none) Clean installation of new FotoWeb system

This action is normally run automatically on a fresh installation of FotoWeb.

All existing configuration is removed! When not using -quiet mode, the wizard will prompt for confirmation.


Global parameters



Clean Install

Add Site

Remove Site


Restore IIS


Run installer in quiet mode. Do not show wizard interface.

MUST be given for unattended operation in automated tasks.





-useIIS Use IIS as web server (default)  




-useApache Use Apache as web server          
-processAccountName USERNAME

Username of FotoWeb process account.

If not given, the previously configured process account is used.


if not already configured



-processAccountPassword PASSWORD

Password of FotoWeb process account.

If not given, the previously configured process account is used.


if not already configured



-processAccountDomain DOMAIN_NAME

Domain name of FotoWeb process account.

If not given, the previously configured process account is used.


if not already configured




Name of the FotoWeb site to add.






Site specific parameters

The following parameters are only available during clean installation or during adding a site.

Silent upgrade does not currently allow specifying any per-site parameters, so current configuration and defaults (e.g., SQL server trusted authentication) must be used.



Clean Install

Add Site

Remove Site

-sqlUsername USERNAME

Username for SQL database admin account.

If not given, then trusted authentication is used using the FotoWeb process account.

Silent upgrade requires trusted authentication using the FotoWeb process account.




-sqlPassword PASSWORD

Password for SQL database admin account.

If not given, then trusted authentication is used using the FotoWeb process account.




-hostName HOSTNAME Host name to be used for the FotoWeb site




-siteHttps Site uses HTTPS    


-iisSiteName WEBSITE_NAME Name of IIS web site to deploy FotoWeb application on.


if using IIS


if using IIS


if using IIS

-sqlServer ADDRESS[:PORT]

Hostname/IP (and optionally port) of custom SQL database.

If not given, then no site database is created.




SQL database name of custom SQL database.

If not given, then no site database is created.



-sqlSaUsername USERNAME

Username for creating database in SQL server.

If not given, then trusted (Windows) authentication is used.




-sqlSaPassword PASSWORD

Password for creating database in SQL server.

If not given, then trusted (Windows) authentication is used.





Upgrade system with single site and default SQL database with trusted connection

fwsetup.exe -installModeReal -quiet

Clean installation with default parameters

fwsetup.exe -quiet -processAccountName "FotoWebUser" -processAccountPassword "1234" -siteName "SITEONE" -iisSiteName "WEBSITE1" -hostName ""

Clean installation with Apache (DEPRECATED)

fwsetup.exe -quiet -useApache -processAccountName "FotoWebUser" -processAccountPassword "1234" -siteName "SITEONE" -hostName ""

Add another site

fwsetup.exe -quiet -addSite -siteName "SITEONE" -hostName "" -iisSiteName "WEBSITE1"

Remove a site

fwsetup.exe -quiet -removeSite -siteName "SITEONE"

Wait for the command to finish

START /WAIT .\bin\fwsetup.exe -installModeReal -quiet

Change web server

fwsetup.exe -installModeReal -quiet -useIIS
fwsetup.exe -installModeReal -quiet -useApache 

When switching to IIS, each site must be mapped to an IIS site. If the system has previously been using IIS, and you have not added any sites since switching to Apache, then these commands work fine. If the mappings still need to be defined, either add the necessary parameters, or remove -quiet to select the web site interactively in the wizard.

Restore or remove IIS configuration for all sites

fwsetup.exe -restoreIIS
fwsetup.exe -removeIIS

Restore or remove IIS configuration for a single site

fwsetup.exe -restoreIIS -siteName "SITEONE"
fwsetup.exe -removeIIS -siteName "SITEONE

Database parameters

When creating a new site or updating, use the following parameters for creating the SQL database.

By default, a new site is created without a SQL database. A SQL database is only needed for reporting. All other features do not require a SQL database.

For more information, see Configuring the site database.

No site SQL database    


When creating a site

When updating


No site SQL database      
SQL database with trusted authentication for DB admin and requests -sqlServer-sqlDbName   Add Windows user that runs fwsetup to database with sysadmin privileges. Can be done during installation of SQL server.
SQL database with trusted authentication for requests -sqlServer-sqlDbName-sqlSaUsername-sqlSaPassword -sqlSaUsername-sqlSaPassword Add Windows user that runs fwsetup to database with sysadmin privileges. Can be done during installation of SQL server.
SQL database without trusted authentication -sqlServer-sqlDbName-sqlSaUsername-sqlSaPassword-sqlUsername-sqlPassword -sqlSaUsername-sqlSaPassword Add SQL user with given credentials to database with sysadmin privileges. Can be done during installation of SQL server.