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Reference of legacy date and time variables

This article describes legacy dynamic tags which exist for backward compatibility. We do not recommend using these tags anymore, but they will remain available in future versions of FotoWeb. For new configurations, use the tags listed in Reference of date/time variables instead. If your configuration already uses any legacy tags, the tags in the Replace with column in the table below can help you replace them with new, recommended versions.

These tags are available in metadata macros in actions only. They cannot be used in search expressions.

For general information about date/time tags, see Reference of date/time variables and Dynamic variables.

Unless specified otherwise, all of these tags expand to local time. Some tags expand to universal time (UTC).





Replace with



YYYYMMDD Expands to the current date in compact format 20230517 {{}}
{{date.utcdate}} YYYMMDD Expands to the current date in universal time (UTC) in compact format 20230517 {{}}
{{isodate}} YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

Expands to the current date and time in ISO8601 format

2023-05-17T12:45:30 {{now.isodatetime}}
{{date.year}} YYYY Expands to the current year. 2023 {{now.year}}
{{date.month}} MM Expands to the number of the current month with at least 2 digits 05 {{now.month}}
{{}} DD Expands to the current day of the month with at least 2 digits 07 {{}}

hh:mm:ss or


Expands to the current time of the day.

If it is used to generate a file name, then the colons are omitted.

Otherwise (e.g., if used in a metadata macro), the colons are included.







Expands to the current hour of the day in either 12-hour or 24-hour format with at least 2 digits.

See the description of the {{now.hour}} tag in Reference of date and time tags for more information.






mm Expands to the current minute of the hour with at least 2 digits 05 {{now.minute}}



ss Expands to the current second of the minute with at least 2 digits 02 {{now.second}}