Filtering exports
When managing your CMS exports, filtering helps you find the precise content you're looking for.
Filtering exports
Using the filter buttons at the top of the window you can filter the exports by Publish date, Publication, Source, Photographer, Archive and Status. Clicking on either of these and combining settings from different columns makes it possible to filter out the exports you want to modify.
Publish date
Lets you filter by the date a file was published.
Filters exports by whether they have expired or have been manually revoked and when this happened.
Filters exports by the name stored in the Source field in the files' metadata. You can select several values in this column.
Filters exports by photographer, as entered in the files' Byline metadata field. Several entries can be selected at once.
Filters exports by the archive from which they were exported. You can choose several archives to see all exports from those archives.
Lets you choose one or more publications in which the export was used. This information is entered on the Publication tab in the export module when you make the export.