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Using a Fotoware license file

In certain environments where software activation over the Internet is not possible, Fotoware can deliver a license file to use instead. The Fotoware software reads the license information from this license file when starting up.

The license file contains encrypted information about the Fotoware applications that are licensed to run in the network. It has been tied to the Ethernet address (also known as MAC address) of the machine where it runs, and clients in the network must be configured to read the license from the license file.

Where to place the license file

The license file must be stored on the machine for which it was made. When it was requested, Fotoware tied it to the MAC (Ethernet) address of the host computer in your network and it is only valid on that machine.

You can place the license file in any folder on the machine. Any network clients that obtain their Fotoware license from the file need to be able to access the file, for example over the network. If the Fotoware software runs on the same machine that hosts the license file, simply configure the system environment variable as described below:

Configuring Windows clients

To configure clients to use the license file, you need to set an environment variable that tells the Fotoware applications where a valid license can be found:

  1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties
  2. Switch to the Advanced tab and select Environment Variables
  3. In the System Variables section, select New.
  4. Enter the following values:
    Variable name: LM_LICENSE_FILE
    Variable value: <insert path to license file here>
  5. Select OK three times to close all the dialogs.
  6. Start the application, which is now licensed for this computer.

The path specified in the Variable value field in step 4 above can for example be C:\licensefile.lic or any accessible shared folder on the network.

Note: A working connection to the license file is required for subsequent program startups. If the license file cannot be reached, the activation wizard will be started and a product key must be filled in before the program will start.

Tip: When using Group Policy to deploy FotoStation in an enterprise you can configure this setting directly in the MSI file before deployment. Thus, there will be no need to manually configure the setting on every FotoStation client in the network.

Configuring Mac clients

On Mac clients, you need to create a plain text file inside your user folder that the activation tools will use to locate the license server.

If you have already started a trial mode of FotoStation on your Mac, the file will already be present in your user folder.

The file is hidden - it is stored in the user's home folder and is called .flexlmrcIt. You can find it in the folder using the ls -al command to list the folder contents in the Terminal.

The file can be edited with any plain text editor such as vi or pico, or even TextEdit. 

Tip: If you're using TextEdit to open the file, you may have to press Command-Shift-period in the Open dialog box to display hidden files.

The file typically contains one line per vendor using the FlexNet activation tools.

Look for this line:


Typically, the value following the equal sign will point to a local folder.

You can change it to the location where the license file is stored, or to the license server address.

Examples: With a license file, the line may read: FOTOWARE_LICENSE_FILE=/license.licThis would indicate that the license file, called license.lic, is stored on the root of the system volume.
With a license file specified the line may read:


This would indicate that the license file is stored on the root of the system drive. Make sure it is stored somewhere that all users have access to read from it, and that file permissions are set accordingly.

Note: If a trial of FotoStation has been initialized, the trial will keep on running until it times out (30 days), at which point a regular license will be checked out from the license server. Because the license file/server connection is stored per user, you will need to copy the .flexlmrc file to the home folders of all the users of the Mac that need access to FotoStation.

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