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Configuring authentication providers and single sign-on in Fotoware

Where to configure this: Fotoware Site Configuration - Security - Authentication Providers

Fotoware supports several mechanisms for authenticating users through a web browser. These can be coupled with Single Sign-On (SSO) to give users effortless access to the DAM system without requiring manual input of user credentials. When using Fotoware Authentication or Windows Active Directory for authentication, Integrated Windows Authentication is used for SSO.

Typically SSO is used in combination with an authentication provider such as Active Directory or SAML, but it is also possible to use SSO in combination with regular Windows Authentication, where the client computer passes the logged-in user's credentials to Fotoware and authenticates immediately when the credentials can be matched with an existing Fotoware account.

When configuring SSO for one of the authentication mechanisms, you can decide whether it should be possible to override SSO so that users can also manually input a username and password to log in. This way, you can have a combination of users with and without SSO authentication, so users on your domain can log in with SSO while external users can log in manually using an assigned username and password.