Displaying pictures on a FotoWeb Screen (Legacy)
Note: This feature was discontinued on July 1, 2021. Versions released after that date don't contain this feature.
What are screens?
Sometimes, showing a picture on a bigger screen may be more useful than a handheld device. This is where Screens come in handy.
Using a computer in your network, you can access your FotoWeb server (it has to be the same server that your iPhone or Android phone is connected to) and create a "Screen" from the login page. Anyone can then use FotoWeb on their phone to send pictures to that screen for review, whether on the internal Wi-Fi zone or on a data connection (assuming the FotoWeb can be accessed from the outside network.)
Creating a screen
- Firstly, go to your FotoWeb site on the machine that hosts the physical display you want to show pictures on.
- Click on the wrench icon in the top right of the screen and choose Create screen. Depending on how the site has been configured you may have to log in first to be allowed to create a screen.
- Now, name your screen. ("John's office monitor")
Sending pictures to the screen from your iPhone or Android phone
From the Grid view
- Click on the Select button in the upper right corner and choose one or more files to display on the screen.
- Click on the
icon in the lower part of the screen to send the pictures to a screen. Then, choose the screen you just created.
Tip: To create a slideshow of your selected pictures on the selected screen, click on the icon in the lower right corner.
When displaying a preview on your phone
When swiping through previews in your archive, you can quickly send a picture to a screen by swiping up on the screen. If you have not selected a screen, you will be given a list of available screens to share the picture on.
How to clear the screen and start over
To clear the entire FotoWeb screen, shake your mobile device.