Creating a public link to an album
If you want to be able to distribute an album link to anyone, even users without a user account on the FotoWeb site, you can generate a public link to the album.
Creating a public link to an album
When you're viewing an album, click on Get link in the top right corner.
This will create a public link to the album that can be shared via email, instant messaging or by any other means, and anyone who gets the link can access the album.
If you have permission to grant download rights to the users you share the album with, users who access the album will also have the possibility to download the original files.
Revoking a public link
Clicking on Remove under the public link URL will remove the link and render it unusable. This may be useful if you no longer want unauthenticated users to access the album. To reissue a new, unique link, you can click on Get link again. This will be different than the last link generated so that users with the old link will not be able to access the album.
Alternatives to sharing an album via a public link
For more fine-grained access control you can also share an album with individual users or groups on the FotoWeb server, and with individual users by their email address.
And if you'd like to showcase an album for all users who come to the FotoWeb site, you don't need to get a public link in the way described above. Instead, showcase the album on the FotoWeb homepage.