Navigating using taxonomies
How a user can navigate and filter archive content with taxonomies in FotoWeb.
If you're using the Pro interface, see Navigating archives using taxonomies in the Pro interface.
Where are the taxonomy trees located?
When taxonomy navigation has been enabled for an archive and the taxonomy has been built, users can use the taxonomy nodes for navigation and filtering in the archive.
In FotoWeb, taxonomies are displayed in the left side panel of an archive.
Understanding how the nodes work
Because a taxonomy can be hierarchical, you can "drill" into the hierarchy by clicking on a node to proceed to the level below. Depending on how the system has been configured, you may also have flat structures of metadata in some taxonomies.
Grey taxonomy nodes
These nodes do not activate a filter but may contain child items that do. Select the node to see what child items are available. You can use the navigation path in the taxonomy header to return to a higher level.
Blue taxonomy nodes
The blue nodes with a checkbox can be selected and will filter the content you see in the archive accordingly.
Selecting several filters
When you reach a level in the taxonomy with several blue entries, you can create a combined filter showing the assets that match any of the taxonomy entries you've selected. Select the checkboxes next to the entries you want to filter by, and the grid will update the displayed content accordingly.
Note: Applying several filters within a single taxonomy shows the combined results of those filters (using an OR search)
If you apply filters from two different taxonomies, the criteria selected in all taxonomies must be present to produce hits (AND-search).
Handling of child items in a node
When a user executes a query by clicking on a taxonomy item with child items (narrower terms), FotoWeb does not include the narrower terms in the query.
Only taxonomy managers can create and edit the content of taxonomies. This can be done in the main FotoWeb and Pro interfaces. For more information, see: