Defining output file name extensions, prefixes and suffixes
See how you can define file type extensions and assign prefixes and suffixes to differentiate RGB, Lab, Grayscale, and CMYK images.
Extensions and prefixes
In Color Factory Settings, expand the relevant channel and select File Name Options.
Open the Extension/Prefix/Suffix tab.
The following dialog appears.
Although Color Factory is not dependent on a file's extension in order to determine its file type, you may want to add an extension to the output files for other programs to correctly establish its type.
Note: The maximum number of filename characters set on the File Name Options tab includes the dot (.) and the extension (typically 1-3 characters).
You may also add a prefix or a suffix to the filename in order to determine the file’s color mode. For instance, you can add RGB to RGB images, Lab to Lab images, and so on.