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Processing of bitmap files

Processing options for bitmap files

Bitmap file handling

Where: Channel | Input File Formats | Other Formats tab


By default, bitmap files will be moved directly to the global UNKNOWN folder, but you may also copy the file to the output folder, applying all processing not including manipulation of the image data. Hence, files may be routed, captioned (as the caption is stored in a tag), and renamed according to the channel’s settings. If the FotoStation data option is enabled (can be enabled under Channel | Enable features tab), a preview may also be created if Color Factory can successfully open and read the file. A third option is to create a bitmap of any existing preview. When processing EPS files complete with a preview in the header, Color Factory will extract this preview and store it in the output folder. (The original EPS is lost unless the original input file has been preserved in a separate folder – see the Advanced input options chapter in this documentation.)

Finally, you may choose to render a bitmap from the input file and store it in the output folder. In the event that a bitmap cannot be rendered, the file will be moved to the UNKNOWN folder.

This functionality is available in Color Factory Enterprise only.

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