Cropping pictures by removing canvas
This feature is available as an option in Color Factory Professional and Enterprise Editions
In Color Factory Settings, expand the relevant channel and select Image Size.
Open the Automatic Crop tab.
The following dialog appears.
This feature is useful for removing excessive canvas and normalizing the size of pictures, for example, for catalog production.
Select Crop image with automatic canvas removal for Color Factory to remove all canvas around the object in the picture. You need to specify the canvas color (White/Black/Transparent) so Color Factory can correctly identify it. If Color Factory fails to identify the canvas during processing, the Color tolerance level may need adjusting.
Expanding the canvas width or height after cropping
Once the initial canvas has been removed, you can expand the canvas width and/or height by a percentage or a given number of pixels. The canvas color is the same as set in the Canvas color drop-down list above.
Expanding the canvas to match a layout aspect ratio
You can expand the canvas to fit a certain aspect ratio to fit layout requirements. Use the Relative Width and Relative Height fields to specify, for example, a 5:1 aspect ratio. The canvas expands accordingly and will be made white, black, or transparent, depending on your choice of Canvas color in the drop-down list above.