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How to obtain your license keys


In order to obtain your license keys, you must first fulfill your agreement. When you fulfill the agreement, you receive an email with the license activation keys, which need to be activated on each computer that has Fotoware software installed.  This article explains how you fulfill the agreement and obtain the license keys.

Note: Your existing license keys are extended when you renew your agreement.

What does fulfillment mean?

Fulfillment is the process by which you activate the agreement and receive your license keys by email. When you fulfill an agreement online, it means that you retrieve license keys for all the products covered by the agreement. Valid license keys are required to run the latest software releases.

What are the implications of doing a fulfillment?

  • When you complete the fulfillment process, you receive an email with all the licenses in the agreement and the keys to activate them.
  • The software you are currently running will continue to run. However, you must reset the license key if you need to repair or reactivate a license.
  • If you want to extend the validity of your existing license key, you must renew your existing key after your agreement is renewed and fulfilled for the next period.
  • MSI deployment packages of FotoStation that use a volume key must be updated with the new license key.

How to fulfill an agreement and obtain your license keys

There are 4 steps involved in this process; each step is described below.

  1. Log in to the Fotoware Customer Portal
  2. Fulfill the agreement
  3. Download the software
  4. Activate the licenses

Log in to the Fotoware Customer Portal

Once you have read the above and understand the implications of running a fulfillment, log in to the Fotoware Customer Portal.
If you do not have an account in the Fotoware Customer Portal, see How to create an account in Customer Portal.

Fulfill the agreement

You can now fulfill the agreement. The fulfillment process involves digitally signing the agreement, after which the license keys for the software covered by the agreement are sent to your email address.

  1. The Registration Details page opens automatically. Alternatively, select Company to open the Registration Details page. 



  1. Any agreements that are pending fulfillment are listed at the top of the page. Alternatively, select Agreements to display all agreements (awaiting fulfillment, active, and expired). 
  2. Select Fulfill now. Verify that the agreement lists the correct products.
  3. Enter your name and select Sign and complete. The license keys required to activate the software are sent to the email address registered for the license holder. 
  4. After a few minutes, when the fulfillment status of your agreement changes to Accepted, this means the license keys are generated and you can also find the valid licenses in the Licenses area (at the top of the page). This is useful if you do not have access to your email.
  5. Select a license to display more information about it, including the license key required to activate the software.



Fulfillment status on agreements

You can track the status of your license keys on the agreements: 
Ready: The license keys are ready to be sent to the license holder by fulfilling the agreement using Fulfill now link.
Pending: The license keys are being generated. This might take a few minutes.
Accepted: The license keys are generated and sent to the license holder.    
Failed: The license keys could not be sent to the license holder. Contact Fotoware support for assistance.         



If you see that your agreement has the Accepted fulfillment status but you have not received an email with license keys, check the email spam filter before contacting Fotoware support.

Exporting license information to a CSV file

If you have several licenses, it might be practical to export them directly after fulfillment. You receive the licenses by email upon fulfillment, but you may want to store the license information in another system as well.

Select the Download all licenses as CSV link to export a comma-separated file containing all license information for download to the desktop. The table below shows the fields that are included. This can be used to keep track of which machines/users have been assigned to different license keys, for instance.


License Product License key User name Machine name
1234-5678-9012 Index Manager 8.0 ABCDEF-123456-ABCDEF-123456-ABCDEF-123456    

Note: If you purchase new software, remember to export the new license keys. 

Download the software

Now, it's time to download your software.

Tip: If you're already running FotoStation, you can use the Auto Update feature to automatically download and install the latest version.

Activate the licenses

New licenses need to be activated while existing licenses must be renewed.

In the case of new licenses, after you have fulfilled the licenses and downloaded the software, you need to activate the licenses on each computer that has Fotoware software installed. There are many ways to activate a license. For more information, see Licensing and product activation.

Note: If you have an old version of Fotoware software installed on your computer, activate licenses before installing new versions of Fotoware. 

Legacy licenses

Legacy licenses (Fotoware software earlier than version 7.0) are not shown by default. Select Show legacy licenses to expand the list and display these licenses also.  

Expired licenses

By default, expired licenses are not shown. Select Show expired licenses to expand the list and display these licenses as well.