Process in Color Factory via FWP
This sub action uploads the selected assets to a Color Factory server over the FWP protocol and processes them according to channel settings. The output file can be stored in the location specified in the Color Factory channel, or to a custom location specified in FotoStation's action. It's also possible to set additional processing options directly in FotoStation's action.
Points worth noting
- When sending files that are stored on local drives or a network share accessible by FotoStation, the file will be uploaded to Color Factory via FWP and then processed.
- When browsing an Index Manager archive and sending files for processing in Color Factory, FotoStation will send the files' FWP path to Color Factory so that Color Factory itself can attempt to fetch the file from the Index Manager server. For this to work, the Server Authentication settings in the Operations Center on the Color Factory server must be configured with a valid account for accessing the Index Manager server. If Color Factory cannot obtain the files directly, a transparent fallback mechanism makes FotoStation download the file locally and then upload it to Color Factory for processing.
Click on the Browse button in the Color Factory channel field to open a dialog where you can type in the server connection string. It is possible to use fwps for a secure connection to the server by specifying that along with the port number used for encrypted connections (the default port for TLS is 7001).
The FotoStation client must authenticate with a valid username and password when connecting to a Color Factory server over FWP. Anonymous authentication is not allowed for these connections.
The Operations Center controls the setting for whether the server uses local account authentication or domain user authentication, and any account on the Color Factory server or AD can be used to authenticate.
Destination for output
Specify folder - Allows the client to specify where the output file(s) should be stored, overriding the output folder setting in Color Factory's channel configuration.
Overwrite input file - The original file will be overwritten by the output file after processing.
Use channel output folder - The output file will be stored in the output folder specified in the Color Factory channel. The channel can be configured to store the files on the Color Factory server drives, on a network share that the server can access, or in an Index Manager archive, in which case Color Factory will deliver the file directly to Index Manager over FWP.
Click on the Options button to configure these additional options in the action:
Change Color Space - Lets you enable color space conversion, even if this is not expicitly defined in the channel configuration on the server.
Auto Contrast - Enable auto contrast settings in channel.
Sharpening - Enable sharpening in the channel.