Site ownership - what it means and how to transfer it
What is a site owner?
The site owner concept is introduced with Fotoware Feature Release 13, build 870. Only one user account can be assigned as site owner, and that user has access to manage users and groups, which indirectly means that the site owner can assign all privileges on the site.
If the Fotoware server has been updated from an earlier version that did not include the site owner concept, the site owner has not been set. In that case, an account can be assigned as site owner in the FotoWeb Settings app. In the FotoWeb Settings app, go to Sites and select a site owner from the Site owner dropdown list.
Once a site owner has been set, that site owner can transfer ownership to another account directly from the user management console in the Fotoware user interface.
How to transfer site ownership
Note: A user who transfers ownership of the site to another user cannot undo the action afterwards. They will lose access to administrative features that are exclusive to the site owner, and only the new site owner can transfer ownership later. Care is advised when using this function.
To transfer ownership of the site to a new user, log in as the current site owner, and from the Tools menu (cogwheel icon) go to Manage Users/Groups. Locate the user to whom site ownership should be transferred, for example, by using the search function. Select the Set as site owner link that appears when hovering over the user name. You will be asked to confirm transfer of site ownership. Continuing will revoke site ownership from your user and transfer it to the selected user.