Managing users and groups
Learn how to create or import users and groups in FotoWeb and how to set license types, user permissions etc.
- User Management
- Learn how to manage users and groups in FotoWeb.
- Adding contact information to a FotoWeb user
- Approving signed-up users
- Assigning administrative privileges to a group
- Assigning album permissions to groups
- Assigning API access to a group
- Assigning InDesign Extension access to groups
- Configuring notifications when users sign up for an account
- Creating a user
- Editing the properties of a Fotoware user
- Enabling users to sign up for an account
- Enabling a user or group to manage taxonomy entries
- Introduction to Fotoware User Management
- Inviting users or groups to sign up to Fotoware
- Locking out a user
- Logging out a user from all sessions
- Managing signup invitations to Fotoware
- Modifying common properties for several users
- Organizing users into Groups
- Setting an expiration date for a user account
- Setting a password policy in FotoWeb
- Site ownership - what it means and how to transfer it
- Specifying default license types for users and groups
- What to do if the administrator account gets locked out?
- Configuring authentication providers and single sign-on in FotoWare
- Learn about the available authentication mechanisms in Fotoware and how to configure them.