When to use different configurations
LEGACY NOTE: This guide describes legacy functionality in FotoStation. In new versions of FotoStation configurations are maintained and downloaded to the client over FWP. Please refer to Creating and maintaining centralized FotoStation configurations for updated documentation.
When to use multi-user configurations
When used in a network environment, FotoStation can be configured to load a centrally located configuration from a server. A server administrator can use FotoStation to manage users and assign different configurations to different users so that the correct configuration is downloaded when the user supplies a user name and password.
When configuring FotoStation for multiple users, you upload one or more configurations to a centrally available network folder (shared over SMB) and configure FotoStation clients to download the configuration from this location.
Two types of configurations
There are essentially two modes of using this: Either you can create a single, central configuration that all FotoStation clients download automatically when started up - this is practical for environments where all clients use the same configuration and you simply want to be able to manage the configuration in one place. After updating the central configuration, you just need to restart clients to download the updated configuration.
The other option is to create bespoke configurations and store them on the network share. You can then assign usernames and passwords to each configuration so that access is restricted. In this mode it is possible to let groups of users share a username to let them use a single configuration.
The steps involved in creating a central configuration
Creating a central configuration and having FotoStation download it, is a process that involves several steps:
Optionally assign usernames to the configurations if there's more than one.
Configure FotoStation to obtain its configuration from the network server.
Note: If you're running a combination of Windows and Mac FotoStation clients, you need to maintain separate configurations for the two platforms.