Uploading the active configuration to a server
LEGACY NOTE: This guide describes legacy functionality in FotoStation. In new versions of FotoStation configurations are maintained and downloaded to the client over FWP. Please refer to Creating and maintaining centralized FotoStation configurations for updated documentation.
Uploading the configuration to a server
Initial tip: If you want to start from absolute scratch with a completely blank configuration so that you can set it up as you please, open the File menu (FotoStation Pro menu on the Mac), select Manage configurations, then New configuration. FotoStation will then restart and load a blank configuration that you can configure as you see fit before proceeding.
To make a configuration and upload it to a network access, start by configuring FotoStation as you would like it to appear to network users. Then, when you have made all necessary adjustments, open the File menu (FotoStation Pro menu on the Mac), select Manage Configurations and then choose Upload configuration to server…
Next, choose a publicly accessible network drive and create a folder named FotoStation Logon on it. You may of course create the folder inside another folder if you like, but the folder to which the configuration is uploaded MUST be named FotoStation Logon.
Now you have two main options to choose between:
- Create a new configuration: Choosing this option will make FotoStation save the configuration in the FotoStation Logon folder. Simply choose a name for the configuration. You should choose this option if you intend to create more than one centrally located configuration and associate different users with different configurations.
When choosing this option you may also choose whether text editor files (i.e. text editor layouts, QuickLists and thesauruses) and data files (i.e. prefix lists, print templates and web templates) should be shared between all configurations, if they should be kept separate for each configuration or if they should not be saved at all. When choosing the latter, only the local versions of these files will be available in FotoStation.
- Create a default configuration: If you intend to let all FotoStation clients on the network access a single configuration, choose this option. This eliminates the need to specify users and associating configurations with them. Instead, when a user starts FotoStation, this configuration will be downloaded automatically. This is practical for environments where you just want to manage a single, central config for all users to share.
What's next?
If you created a single configuration for all users to share (by choosing Create a default configuration above) you can now simply configure FotoStation to use the central configuration.
If you chose the second option, to create individual configurations (the Create a new configuration option above), you should now create and assign users to the configuration.