Sorting assets according to who uploaded them
When files are uploaded to FotoWeb, three metadata fields are always filled in based on the uploader's user credentials:
Field ID | Field name | Content |
#360 | Uploaded by | User name (login name) of uploader |
#361 | Uploaded by (full name) | The full name of the person uploading |
#362 | Upload time | Date and time of upload |
This information can be utilized by Color Factory to sort files in a folder structure based on who uploaded the file. This can make it easier for an editor who monitors the uploaded assets to see who uploaded the different assets during the approval process before he or she publishes them in an archive that makes them available for the users in the organization. Typically, the editor will also verify that all required metadata fields are filled in to make sure users can find the right content when searching.
How to configure sorting in Color Factory
In Color Factory, create a channel where the input folder points to the location where files uploaded through FotoWeb are stored.
- If using the FotoWeb Upload Area, set its Destination folder to point to the Color Factory channel's input folder
- If using a dedicated FotoWeb archive for upload, go to the archive's Ingestion tab and choose a Predefined folder as its input, pointing it to Color Factory's input folder.
Configuring AutoRouting by uploader's name
Enable the AutoRouting feature on the Color Factory Channel. (If you only plan to use the channel for this sorting, no other channel features are needed.)
Create a new AutoRouting method based on Metadata and give it a meaningful name (see screenshot).
Next, choose the field to route by. Field 360 is the uploader's FotoWeb user name, field 361 is the user's full name as registered in FotoWeb.
You don't have to add the actual values here. potentially, a new user that is not in the list may upload files, so instead, simply tick the box labeled Add unlisted values automatically. Subfolders wiull then be created automatically in the channel's output folder if they don't already exist. (See screenshot)
Now, when users upload files to FotoWeb, Color Factory will pick up the incoming files, process and sort them and store them in the upload archive / area in a neat folder structure so archive managers can easily see who contributed the assets.
Tip: By creating a custom metadata set and assigning it to the upload archive, the archive manager can also read out the upload information from field 360-362 in the metadata editor in FotoWeb / FotoWeb Pro.
Tip: If users always upload JPEGs, you should set Color Factory to use JPEG Copy as the channel's output format. That way, the JPEG will not be recompressed and lose additional quality when processed by Color Factory. If users upload a combination of JPEG and RAW files, you can separate them in different folders using autorouting.